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How to Find Reliable Sites with MLA Format Essay Examples

The worst thing that you can do for yourself is find what seems like a legit site but you realize after your work has been turned in that the source was a complete farce. Avoid sites that don’t have any verification that their examples are in MLA format. If they don’t state it; don’t trust it.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of just picking the first thing that Google shows you on their search results; yes while sometimes they are right on key with what you are looking for; more often than not it is the farthest from what your needing. The examples can be alien and disjointed in times like this and when trying to pass a course; you need reliable.

MLA format Essay Examples

When searching for reliable sources; keep in mind that your own college website may provide the quickest answer or even pouring through your class notes. However here is a list of reliable sites that can give you the best MLA format essay examples:

  • Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Jerz’s Literacy Weblog
  • Writing MLA Style Essays and avoiding plagiarism.
  • Writing Commons
  • Google Scholar
  • Academic peer-reviewed journals
  • MLA Documentation Guide: Write Site at Athabasca University
  • MLA format at Study Guide
  • MLA Citation within the Essay - CCS Faculty Websites
  • Examples of Parenthetical Citation (Don’t let the name deceive you; this site is full of useful information.)
  • Documentation and Sources – Writing Lab
  • Sample Chicago Style Paper – John Doe (this is a history essay example in MLA format).
  • MLA format at Academic Tips
  • MLA Career Research Essay
  • Writing with Internet Sources

Some of these sites are actually pdf books on the topic or short pdf manuscripts. After all it pays to have all the help that you can get. Avoid sites like About or Wikipedia; these are poor sources and Wikipedia even lets outsiders edit their information and thus makes any information shady at best that you can get from their site. It’s a great idea but when writing academically; it’s a huge pitfall to avoid.

Writing academically can be very rewarding; so don’t become discouraged if you do not quite understand MLA format right away. As with everything it takes a lot of time and patience. MLA format is the cornerstone of research papers and making works sited pages; there are many resources out there to help you.
