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Persuasive Essay Writing: Simple Techniques For Students

A persuasive essay is designed in order to get your readers to agree with your opinion on the subject you have chosen. Although you will never make every person agree with you outright, it can be equally effective when your position is thoroughly considered. What makes a persuasive essay good? How can you be certain that you will be able to sway people to your point of view? In order to write the best possible persuasive essay, follow these simple techniques below:

  • Choose a Side: Once you have chosen the issue that you are going to write about, you must pick one side or the other. The whole point is to get the reader to agree with you, and they are unable to do that if they cannot figure out which side they should be on. If you go back and forth during the writing of the essay, not only will it be confusing, but you will never persuade anyone of anything. Make your position clear by stating it in the very opening of the essay.
  • Write about what you Know: It is much easier to create solid arguments when you are familiar with the topic. When the topic is something that you know nothing about, arguments tend to be weak and ineffectual.
  • Know the Purpose: What are you trying to accomplish? Are you hoping to get others to agree with you? To take some type of action? Just to consider your opinion? You must know what you want to get out of the responses in order to write accordingly.
  • Organization: There will need to be an introduction, body, and conclusion. Exactly how the information is presented within these sections should depend on the audience you are trying to reach. Take a direct approach if you are dealing with an audience who is likely to be positive, and if negativity is likely, use an indirect approach.
  • Present: Provide your readers with evidence, comments, explanations, logic, and other details that will support your claim. Use the proper language and tone for what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Strengthen: Take the opportunity to acknowledge views that are in opposition to yours. For each one, give a reason why you have the better position.
  • Wrap it Up: A persuasive essay should end with a strong conclusion. Along with reasserting the main argument that you presented, the conclusion should also include recommendations.

If you have done it properly, there is a good chance that you may have brought a number of your readers over to your side of the fence. Even getting people to admit that you have a very good argument that bears thinking about can go in the win column. As long as people are at least willing to consider your position, the essay has done its job.
